Thursday, November 20, 2014
The Results
For something that was just done in fun it was certainly entertaining to see all the responses that people came up. They ranged from using acid to actually not having any facial hair at all. It's always been the question on everyone's mind and it's good having people add more contributions to it.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
How Does Superman Shave? YOU DECIDE!
It's the question comic book fans have been wondering for years. How exactly does the Man of Steel shave? With a man who withstand almost anything surely a puny razor wouldn't be able to cut his hair. So how does he shave? Gillette previously ran a campaign for celebrities to answer this question. One of the theories even involved him shooting a laser beam into the mirror to reflect and hit his beard. Sound off below with your theories and don't be afraid to think outside of the box!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
DC and Marvel Movie Slate
DC and Marvel are officially declaring war on our wallets. The superhero movies have officially become a genre in it's on. DC and Marvel have recently revealed their movie slate all the way up until the year 2020. Of course there is no way to know whether or not all of these movies will be made. However, it is good to know that these are being taken seriously and that DC finally has a plan. As a vivid DC fan it looks like my childhood dreams may finally be coming true! Check out the infographic below to get a list of all the upcoming movies!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Captain America... Admittedly one of my least
favorite super heroes. Pretty anti-patriotic isn't it? The villains in the
series are lacking and there are no real intriguing characters. I had
previously watched the first movie and found it alright but nothing special. I
am very picky when it comes to movies and I always bring out the critic side in
me. In this iteration of Captain America the directors were the Russo brothers
who were really only known for directing episodes of the show Community. Many
including myself thought this was a bold move but for the most part it was an
amazing move. Captain America: The Winter Soldier not only makes the first
movie look like a direct to dvd movie but also establishes it as one of the
best movies in the Marvel cinematic universe.
As a student who has a great knowledge of film
and how to direct, the Russo brothers were on top of their game. It is amazing
to see a pair of people who barely have experience in movies come together to
film something so great. The style shot was bold and the pacing made it all the
better. So much was crammed into the movie but it takes a certain kind of
director to tell their story and keep the pacing up. The camera work was not
shaky at all and the action scenes were filmed brilliantly.
Although the movie followed very closely to the
source material it was a well written screenplay with the predicted action that
is usually guaranteed by Marvel that comes along with the witty side comments
that have made Marvel famous. What made the script so impressive is that it was
able to start Marvel’s official phase 2 by introducing Hydra- a secret
organization that has been in Shield the whole time.
As with every Marvel movie the special effects
are top notch. During the fight with Captain America and the Winter Soldier on board
the carrier the special effects were arguably the best they have ever been. The
fighting was well rehearsed and the sequence where the Winter Soldier uses his
knife is stunning.
Everyone is on top of their game in this sequel.
Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johannson are their usual amazing selves.
No one doubted that these established actors wouldn't give anything less than
their best. Anthony Mackie is a a new comer and he settles into the rotation
quite well. Unfortunately, he falls short in comparison to everyone else.
Sebastain Stan enters the playing field as the feared Winter Soldier. Similar
to Tom Hardy who played Bane in The Dark Knight Rises Sebastain compels so much
anger and emotion with just his eyes. The performance is compelling and
Captain America: The Winter Soldier receives a 4 out of 5 stars.
Monday, September 29, 2014
X-Men Days of Future Past DVD Release Date Set
X-Men: Days of Future Past is arguably the greatest X-Men movie to date. Not only did it reach critical acclaim but it also was the most financially successful X-Men yet. With a sequel already underway titled X-Men: Apocalypse it's hard to see the series slowing down any time soon. In case you haven't seen the movie for whatever reason you can officially own or rent the movie on Blu-ray and DVD on October 14th. An extended cut which will include several deleted scenes such as the rumored Rogue scene will be coming out later next year. The film stars Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbenner, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen.
Did you see X-Men: Days of Future Past? What were your thoughts on it? Share them below in the comments!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Marvel's Doctor Strange Gets Release Date
Although no casting news has been announced yet, Marvel has officially announced that Doctor Strange has officially taken the spot of July 8, 2016. We already know that Scott Derrickson will direct the movie with a script by Jon Spaihts. It has been rumored that Joquan Pheoneix is up for the role of Doctor Strange but no official word has come out. Doctor Strange is a little bit more out there when it comes to the current Marvel cinematic universe. This arc deals with magic and sorcery which we have not previously seen. Expect big casting news within the next few weeks.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy Reaches $600 Million Worldwide
James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy has officially reached $600 million dollars worldwide according to The Wrap. The film has been dominate in the North American box office and has stayed on top for consecutive weeks. The only film to have contended it during its run was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles which only bested the movie a mere one weekend. The movie passed Captain America: The Winter Soldier ($259.7 million) and another release starring Chris Pratt, The LEGO Movie ($257.7 million). Guardians still has not opened up in China and could see a large profit overseas. Have you seen Guardians? Post your thoughts below!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice Batmobile Revealed!

was spotted on set.
Thanks to Instagram user
amacro13 and AICN we are able to get our a birds-eye view of the vehicle. The vehicle appears to open up from the top and has a mix between the Nolan and Burton Batmobile's. As of right now it looks dirty and possibly dusty. Whether this will be the final look after post-production is complete is yet to be seen. What are your thoughts on the new Batmobile?
Zack Snyder took to Twitter to quiet down the leaked set photos by releasing the first official image of the Batmobile.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Movies are America's past time. It is the only thing that combines every type of art into one great ensemble. Art design, composing, filming, writing, costume design, cinematography are all apart of a movie that takes about a year to complete. In the past few years the highest grossing movies have all fallen under the same category. This category is comic book movies. I will be diving into upcoming comic book movies and the news associated with them. Additionally, I will review movies that comes on DVD and Blu Ray and will compile lists of some of the best comic book movies already released. As an avid comic book reader it is amazing to see the characters that I grew up with coming alive on the big screen. I hope to spread that feeling to others who are interested in these characters that have had an impact on their life!
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